How to Run a Meeting: Get the Most Out of Company Time
December 30, 2015
Have you ever been frustrated after a meeting because you did not accomplish everything you wanted to on your agenda? If so, you are not alone. Sometimes it is difficult to get the most out of company time, especially if you don’t know how to effectively run a meeting. Here are some great tips to get your company meeting’s back on track:
Create an Agenda
By having an agenda in place, participants and officers will know what to expect by meeting’s end. Many people create agendas but do not use them properly; be sure to follow through with the series of events to ensure that you are staying consistent and getting the most of the company’s time.
In addition to creating an agenda, try to have the agenda in the hands of meeting attendees the day prior to the meeting. In doing so, you’ll allow your attendees the time to review and come up with any questions they may have.
Define Meeting’s Goals & Objectives
By defining goals and objectives within your meeting and agenda, everyone will be able to understand and identify what they are working toward. Without clearly defined goals and objectives, what are you actually working for? Make sure everyone knows their purpose within the company and that tasks are assigned accordingly.
Use Time Wisely
If you schedule an hour meeting, utilize the full hour. You can never have too much preparation/ if you have created a good agenda, you will know it by the end of a meeting. Make sure you’ve discussed everything you originally planned and that everyone’s questions are answered and understood.
Make Meetings Interactive
Meetings can be very boring, especially if there is only one person is the group actually talking. Encourage interaction and discussions amongst participants in attendance by brainstorming future projects, evaluating each other’s performance, etc. The more engaged people are in a meeting, there more information they are likely to recall and remember in the future. Make your meetings memorable, not just tolerable.
Reward Participants
Everyone’s time is valuable, make sure everyone is rewarded for their participation and attendance. Whether staff is paid, offered lunch, or some kind of contest, rewarding your employees will encourage others to work harder and become more involved in meetings too. Rewarding participants doesn’t always have to come in the form of a gift or free lunch. You can also reward participants by complimenting their efforts.
Need Help with Running Meetings? Contact Qorval Today
If you or your company is in need of innovative support and improvement, look no further than Qorval. We are a Florida-based business consulting firm that provides tactical solutions for unique situations. We’ve worked in a number of industries and help turn your business around. To learn more about our business consulting solutions, contact us today .