Your Customers and/or Clients:
June 26, 2021
Like you and want to do business with you
Are relationship oriented
Want you to be responsive, honest, and fair
Don’t care how many employees you have or what their titles are
Really aren’t interested in how many locations are on your business card
Don’t care what kind of car you drive
Are looking for results
Are looking for a competitively priced supplier
Are only impressed with the impact you make on their business
Look to you for financial, operational, and business development results
Want to do business with you if you do what you promise
Want to give you more work if you can perform
Don’t reward you for your overhead
Don’t really care about your facilities — only that if they need to visit, they be neat and clean and comfortable, not palatial
Aren’t about supporting your lifestyle or your lifestyle business
Favor your flat, responsive organization
Want things done on their schedule, not yours
Need price, quality and responsiveness — or at least a fair mix of the three
Want pain healed
Want you to be a decisive leader who can positively impact their business, and their customer’s business
Are placing large bets on you
Want the work your workers perform to be of high quality, and to be neat, accurate and professional
Don’t want to be oversold
Don’t want to be under-delivered
Have other options
Have your competitors calling them, sending them brochures and emails, and meeting with them at the trade shows and conferences you’re too busy to attend or can’t afford
Vote with their dollars
Will become someone else’s customers if you don’t take care of them